Say goodbye to labor shortages & high turnover rates

We are Ekeepeer inc, a full-service international recruitment firm, specializing in the LMIA program. We provide exceptional hiring solutions and ongoing support for Canadian companies facing labor shortages. Our goal is to help organizations secure the talent they need to succeed, while ensuring compliance with immigration laws and regulations.

Ekeepeer Inc - Full-Service International recruitment firm in Ontario


Ekeepeer Inc provides reliable LMIA recruitment solutions for businesses seeking long-term success.
Ekeepeer Inc - Full-Service International recruitment firm in Ontario

As an Ontario-focused foreign recruitment agency in Canada, we specialize in finding motivated workers to address labor shortages in the province.

Ekeepeer Inc - Full-Service International recruitment firm in Ontario

All the worker candidates are carefully screened and trained through our comprehensive selection process.

We provide exceptional hiring solutions and ongoing support for Canadian companies facing labor shortages.

Our global reach and partnerships with international agencies enable us to source motivated workers and address labor shortages in your industry.

We provide exceptional hiring solutions and ongoing support for Canadian companies facing labor shortages.

Enjoy peace of mind with our free LMIA renewal within six months if your worker needs to depart for any reason.

Benefits of hiring foreign workers

Addressing labor shortages

If businesses are struggling to find qualified workers locally, hiring foreign workers through LMIA can help fill the gaps and keep the business running smoothly.

Access to a wider talent pool

By expanding the hiring search to include foreign workers, businesses can access a wider pool of skilled and qualified candidates, potentially finding someone with a unique set of skills that are difficult to find locally.

Diverse perspectives and cultural exchange

Foreign workers can bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the workplace, which can lead to new ideas and innovation. They can also provide opportunities for cultural exchange and learning within the organization.

Lower turnover rates

Foreign workers who come to Canada through LMIA often do so with a long-term view and are committed to staying with their employer for an extended period. This can lead to lower turnover rates and reduced costs associated with rehiring and retraining new staff.

Developing global connections

Hiring foreign workers can help businesses build connections and establish a global presence, which can be beneficial for future growth and expansion.

Meeting specific needs

Businesses may have specific needs that cannot be met by local workers, such as language skills, cultural knowledge, or specialized expertise. LMIA recruitment can help businesses find the right person for the job, regardless of their location.

Our Services

Overseas Recruitment

Looking for honest and hard working staff to join your workforce? We specialize in sourcing and recruiting the best workers possible through our worldwide connections.

LMIA filing

Navigating the LMIA process can be challenging, but with Ekeepeer Inc, you can trust that your application will be handled efficiently and effectively.

Legal Services

Our in-house lawyer & senior immigration counselors will ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for you and your foreign workers.

Partner Companies

External Resources

Expert Recruitment for Canadian Companies

Statistics Canada

Expert Recruitment for Canadian Companies

Employment & Social Development Canda